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You’re Invited To

Pivot To Purpose Summit





 Our mission is to to overcome emotional trauma, 
 fears and doubts to find your purpose, define 
 it and turn it into a thriving business while living a 

Successful Life.

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You’re Invited To

Pivot To Purpose Summit



october 13-15



 Our mission is to to overcome emotional trauma, 
 fears and doubts to find your purpose, define 
 it and turn it into a thriving business while living a 

Successful Life.

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Discover the Most Powerful Strategies Successful People Use To

Live Life With Passion and Purpose.

Your Goals. Our Mission.

I Want...

To Feel Grounded to a Calling That Is Bigger Than MYSELF

To Pursue a Values-

To Help Others Live Their Purpose by Empowering Them

To More Aligned with My
Career and Business

To Engage with Others from a Point of Healthy Self-Esteem

To Gain Clarity About the Future Despite Uncertainties

To Let Go of
Failure Easier

To Take Care Of
My Health

To Forgive Others and Let
Go of Bitterness

To Create Generational

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Discover the Most Powerful
Strategies Successful People Use To

Live Life With Passion and Purpose.

Your Goals. Our Mission.

I Want...

  • To Feel Grounded to a Calling That Is Bigger Than MYSELF
  • To Pursue a Values-Based Life
  • To Help Others Live Their Purpose by Empowering Them
  • To More Aligned with My Career and Business
  • To Engage with Others from a Point of Healthy Self-Esteem
  • To Gain Clarity About the Future Despite Uncertainties
  • To Let Go of Failure Easier
  • To Take Care Of My Health
  • To Forgive Others and Let Go of Bitterness
  • To Create Generational Wealth

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Watch This Short Video To Hear

 Directly From Teri Donelson 

Watch This Short Video To Hear

 Directly From Teri Donelson 

  • Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
  • Career Professionals
  • Leaders
  • Coaches Experts
  • High Achievers Looking To Hit The NEXT Level
  • People Seeking Financial Security
  • People Looking To Discover And Live Their Purpose
  • People Looking To Create Generational Wealth
  • People Looking To Serve Others
  • People Who Want Have Joy And Fulfillment In Life
  • Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
  • Career Professionals
  • Leaders
  • Coaches Experts
  • High Achievers Looking To Hit The NEXT Level
  • People Seeking Financial Security
  • People Looking To Discover And Live Their Purpose
  • People Looking To Create Generational Wealth
  • People Looking To Serve Others
  • People Who Want Have Joy And Fulfillment In Life
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Benefits Of
Living On Purpose

Purpose is a sense of knowing that your life has meaning, value, and importance. Living with purpose means you know for a fact that your work, your contribution, and your life make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Having purpose means the work that you’re committed to serves humanity in a positive way.
Living with purpose will make you happier, more content, more successful, more graceful, more resilient through hard times, more excited, and more alive than your peers. Living with purpose will give you a sense of living and put you on a fast-track to winning this game that we call life.

An Unlimited Supply Of Fulfillment

The most powerful antidote to depression, sadness, and even a desire to take your own life is knowing that at least one person’s life somewhere is better off because you exist.

Direction, Guidance, and Comfort Through Hard Times

Hard times are a reality that we all have to face at different points in our lives. We all struggle through dark moments, situations, failures, obstacles, trials, and tribulations.

We all have periods of time when we try our best to our best to succeed, but we fail anyway. And we all pass through moments when we try our hardest to make things right, but they still go wrong anyway.

The hard times are unavoidable. You can’t escape the struggle.

Endless Motivation To Add More Value And Accomplish More Success

Nothing can motivate you more than having a positive effect on other people.

Money, fame, power, prestige, and advancement all come secondary to the most powerful source of motivation in the world: Purpose.

Living With Purpose Brings A Powerful Sense Of Aliveness

Purpose not only gives you fulfillment, guidance through hard times, and motivation to win, it can also give you a powerful and rare feeling of aliveness. Purpose makes you come alive.

So, are you ready to hit the next level of your life?

Come spend 3 days with us and transform your mind, body and soul to build a legacy while living your life on purpose.


Benefits Of
Living On Purpose

Purpose is a sense of knowing that your life has meaning, value, and importance. Living with purpose means you know for a fact that your work, your contribution, and your life make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Having purpose means the work that you’re committed to serves humanity in a positive way.
Living with purpose will make you happier, more content, more successful, more graceful, more resilient through hard times, more excited, and more alive than your peers. Living with purpose will give you a sense of living and put you on a fast-track to winning this game that we call life.
Imagine living your life with more


focus, energy, &


as you take daily courageous
actions towards your Big 

Life Purpose.


Imagine living your life with more


focus, energy, &


as you take daily courageous
actions towards your Big 

Life Purpose.



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 You have 
 been putting 
 yourself and  

your dreams
off for far
too long. 

 You have 
 been putting 
 yourself and  

your dreams
off for far
too long. 

NOW is the time to commit to your wellbeing and transformation. 
This is your opportunity to heal past hurts, shift your mindset, take daily courageous actions to Pivot To Your Purpose, and create a life filled with clarity, connection, joy, abundance, confidence, and Purpose.
NOW is the time to commit to your wellbeing and transformation. 
This is your opportunity to heal past hurts, shift your mindset, take daily courageous actions to Pivot To Your Purpose, and create a life filled with clarity, connection, joy, abundance, confidence, and Purpose.

A Sneak Preview 

 Into Some Of The Amazing Topics 

Creating Clarity:
Define your life purpose and increase awareness of internal blocks preventing you from expansion.

Life Purpose:
 Increase clarity of your purpose through the exploration of your spiritual gifts, life passions, business activities and connection to a need in the world today. 
Identify your external support group, strengthen your self love, and embrace your gifts to live life on your own terms.

Create the space necessary to align with your highest self with your Pivot To Purpose Blueprint.

Cultivate Courage:
Increase awareness of the mindset shifts and actions to increase internal self worth and confidence so you can take daily courageous

A Sneak Preview 

 Into Some Of
The Amazing Topics 

Creating Clarity:
Define your life purpose and increase awareness of internal blocks preventing you from expansion.
Life Purpose:
 Increase clarity of your purpose through the exploration of your spiritual gifts, life passions, business activities and connection to a need in the world today. 
Identify your external support group, strengthen your self love, and embrace your gifts to live life on your own terms.

Create the space necessary to align with your highest self with your Pivot To Purpose Blueprint.
Cultivate Courage:
Increase awareness of the mindset shifts and actions to increase internal self worth and confidence so you can take daily courageous


Let go.

And remind Yourself
that this very moment is the
only one you know you
have for sure.

-Oprah Winfrey

@ 2022 by Teri Donelson | Site Funnels By 


Let go.

And remind Yourself
that this very moment is the
only one you know you
have for sure.

-Oprah Winfrey

Limited No Cost Seats Available 
Limited No Cost Seats Available