Partners In Learning


How Some of The Most

Wealthy, Successful, And Happy Coaches,
Consultants, and Knowledge Experts

Are Elevating Themselves High Above The Competition, Demanding Fatter Fees, And Creating A Lifetime Of Profit… Despite Copy-Cat Entrepreneurs, The Government, and AI Trying To Steal Everything They've Worked Hard to Build…

is the only program forCoaches, Consultants, Authors and Experts that RevealsThe Exact Principles, Templates, and Storytelling Structures that will give you an unfair advantage over your competition.

Armed with the information inside
Digital Storyselling Platform


 Confidently move people's hearts and minds, 
 Direct and control the thinking of your chosen market,
 Position yourself as the superior choice in your industry or niche, 

and effortlessly open wallets any time you tell stories in print, when speaking from the stage, on webinars, on sales calls, in group coaching sessions and more.

If you’re a coach, consultant, or expert in any field…

There’s no faster or easier way to position yourselfas the LEADER in your market, or allow you to charge higher prices foryour courses, higher fees for your consulting services, fill your coaching programs,

 and keep clients longer. 


How Some of The Most

Wealthy, Successful, And Happy Coaches, CONSULTANTS, AND KNOWLEDGE EXPERTS

Are Elevating Themselves High Above The Competition, Demanding Fatter Fees, And Creating A Lifetime Of Profit… Despite Copy-Cat Entrepreneurs, The Government, and AI Trying To Steal Everything They've Worked Hard to Build…

is the only program forCoaches, Consultants, Authors and Experts that RevealsThe Exact Principles, Templates, and Storytelling Structures that will give you an unfair advantage over your competition.

Armed with the information inside
Digital Storyselling Platform


 Confidently move people's hearts and minds, 
 Direct and control the thinking of your chosen market,
 Position yourself as the superior choice in your industry or niche, 

and effortlessly open wallets any time you tell stories in print, when speakingfrom the stage, on webinars, on sales calls, in group coaching sessions and more.

If you’re a coach, consultant, or expert in any field…

There’s no faster or easier way to position yourselfas the LEADER in your market, or allow you to charge higher prices foryour courses, higher fees for your consulting services, fill your coaching programs,

 and keep clients longer. 


is the antidote to falling margins, the solution to ever-rising ad costs, puts a stop to losing clients to the competition, the answer to low closing rates by you or your sales team, the key to increasing email open rates, and so much more.

I've used these secrets to write entire books that bring meNew leads and clients on autopilot.

In fact, if you took away all my money…and every skill that I have except my ability to tell stories that sell… and left me with $100, an internet connection, and a cell phone I’d be a millionaire by the end of the year using nothing more than my ability to tell stories that sell in emails, on the phone, on webinars, to groups.

Story Selling is THAT powerful.
Almost NOBODY does it well.

is the antidote to falling margins, the solution to ever-rising ad costs, puts a stop to losing clients to the competition, the answer to low closing rates by you or your sales team, the key to increasing email open rates, and so much more.

You could say the ability to tell stories that sell is the ultimate entrepreneurial skill.

In this article I’ll explain why you need to develop this skill now, why it’s much easier than you imagine – even if you’re shy or afraid to speak in public…

Stick with me for a few minutes and I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom so you can become the dominant force in your industry, command fees that turn your competitors green with envy, and sell your services, your courses, or coaching programs with greater ease than ever before.

Some Of The Results

 Your Company Will Experience Include: 

Now, before I get into the details about exactly what you're getting here… and how I'm going to make you an instant expert at telling stories that sell…
let me explain SOME of the RESULTS you can expect to see in the next 30 days:

For example…

– If you send emails, write or use sales letters, sales pages,
ads of any kind, blog posts, video content 
(and what business doesn’t rely on one, two, or all of these?) – all need persuasive stories

  • Nothing will make your videos or content go viral like a compelling story.
  • Nothing will convince prospects and move them to buy quicker than a story that connects with their emotions and paints a picture of life with your product or service.
  • NOTHING will convince them to STAY longer as a client, refusing to work with anyone but you.

– If you do webinars, there's no more powerful way to bump conversions than with powerful, well-placed stories. Many people don't realize this but, the very best webinar script writers often spend days, weeks, even MONTHS searching for the best stories to tell in their webinars.


Because they know NOTHING has a greater, more direct impact onwebinar sales than the stories you tell.

  • The right stories – and there are about 5 every webinar needs – can double, redouble, then double again your sales with no increase in traffic.
  • With Story Selling Secrets™ you’ll own this power.

If you write books – or want to write a book – to build your brand, grow your reputation, and extend your reach far beyond what your competitors can – there's no better, easier, or faster way to get your books written than by telling fascinating stories. And there's no better way to make your book convince, persuade, or motivate people to hire you than with stories.

In fact, a good story can and should be the basis of every chapter.

Just look at any of the best selling business books of all time. From "Think and Grow Rich" to"How to Win Friends and Influence People" to "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". ALL have stories as the basis for each chapter. In fact, some, written as parables, are nothing but extended

  • Og Mandino's "The Greatest Salesman in the World", George S. Clason’s "The Richest Man in Babylon", ALL best sellers. And ALL based on stories using the exact story selling blueprint I reveal in this one-of-a-kind program. Now you can do it too.
  • With Story Selling Secrets™ you’ll own this power.

– If you work with, consult to, or coach clients one-on-one or in groups... nothing will bond those clients to you, or make complex concepts simple, or make your business easily referable, or explain WHAT you do, WHY you do it, and HOW your best prospects and clientscan benefit from “being in your world” than a compelling story.

 Imagine the power you wield when your stories attract people to you, makeyou almost magnetic, give you the X factor that draws clients to you.

– If you speak on stage, Digital Storyselling Platform not only shows you exactlywhat to say and how... but you’ll connect with your audience in ways you never have before,and in ways your competitors can’t.

  • Back of the room sales will skyrocket….
  • Loyalty to your brand will take a massive leap forward...
  • ​Demand for what you do will naturally increase...
  • ​You become “the person” they want to hire, regardless of your product or service.

(Consider the opposite scenario WITHOUT the ability to tell Stories That Sell: you get on stage and tell bad, dumb, or boring stories nobody cares about. You bomb. Not good!)

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of all the ways you can use storiesto get and keep clients... and all the ways your life will be better, more profitable, easier… when you finally harness the power of Selling with Stories.

 In fact, Digital Storyselling ability is the answer to every obstacle you face whenit comes to acquiring and keeping clients. Why? Well, consider the most frequent obstacles youface that prevent you from making the sale today:

Lack of credibility.

They don't know, like, or trust you - easily overcome with a powerful story

Lack of clarity about your offer.

Lack of clarity about your offer.They're not clear on exactly what you can do for them, how you do it, orhow it will benefit them in precise, measurable detail. Just add a story and watchthe lights go on inside their mind.

Lack of faith or belief in their own ability 
toget results with what you offer.

A lack of belief in themselves is one of the primary (but hidden)reasons why people don't buy from you. Eliminate this with Digital Storyselling Platform and liberate your full sales potential.

Resistance to price.

You or your team face price resistance everyday. How do you overcome this? Tell stories that make your price seem irrelevant.

How to charge higher prices than your competitors.

Delay is the death of the sale. But you can’t talk someone into buying now with logic. You must move them emotionally… and… nothing moves people's emotions like a story, told at the right time in the right way. With Digital Storyselling Platform you hold this power in your hands.

They want to wait, do it later.

when trying to generate leads or sell your high ticket programs, consultingor coaching services.

Any other obstacles you face

when trying to generate leads or sell your high ticket programs, consultingor coaching services.

All can be overcome with the right story, told at the right time, in the right way.

That’s how I went from low 6 figures to high 7 and 8 figures in just 5 years time - I developed and told stories at every prospect/client interaction. Life has gotten consistently better ever since.

How Is This Different?

You’ll hear people talk about "how to sell without selling" - this, of course, is nonsense... and is mostly to appease the shy, reclusive coaches or consultants who fear selling, or those witha negative self-image about selling.

Selling without selling is NOT the answer.

What you need is a way to sell without feeling salesy.

To convince without feeling pushy.

And that’s what Digtial Storyselling Platform does for you.

It allows you to not only close more sales, to bring on more clients, and keep those clients committed to buying from you longer… it allows you to create a movement around your brand… to elevate you so high above the pack that doing business with someone else seemsalmost counterproductive.

I mean why buy from a seller of a commodity when you can buy from the pre-eminent expert?

Stated differently, who would you rather put your trust in, the consultant who sells a product you can get from dozens of other consultants… or the consultant whose story resonates with you in a way that makes you feel like you know them and they understand you?

The choice should be obvious.

This is why Tony Robbins can sell essentially the same NLP skills and command fees as highas $1,000,000 per year to join his personal mastermind when someone else with essentially the same skills, who’s passed through all Tony’s certifications, can only charge by the hour and has days or weeks where they don’t know where their next client is coming from.

Tony doesn't chase clients. They come to him. They come because of his story. And that’s what can happen to you when you master the Digtial Storyselling Platform I cover in my program.

How do I know?

Look at my own situation. There were years, early in my career, when I chased clients. And most of the chasing was repulsive to the people I chased. But when I used carefully crafted stories to position myself as an expert, using the exact elements spelled out inside Digital Storyselling Platform, clients came to me. And they still do to this day - automatically.

  • I turn away more clients than I can serve.
  • I’ve had to create products and services delivered electronically or through other people as in the case of my many coaching programs to serve the people who come to me.
  • NOTHING will convince them to STAY longer as a client, refusing to work with anyone but you.

Do this right and, as author Stuart Wilde said in his book "The Trick To Money is Having Some": "People will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill 'em!"

 This is how you build your coaching or consulting or speaking business. Not by beating the bushes or thrashing about in the weeds for clients. But by telling compelling storiesthat attract people to you.

You already spend time, money and energy on marketing. Why not level-up your game by telling stories that sell?

Why Is This Relevant?

You face competition on every side.

New coaches and consultants are putting out their shingle every week.

The course creation industry has grown exponentially over the past 5 years with everyone from college students to office workers now working at home and jumping on the e-learning money train.

If you think the market is crowded now, just wait until next year and the year after.It's not getting easier. Having a certification or ability to get people results is not enough.You need an advantage NOW.

Digital Storyselling Platform is the advantage you are looking for.

No other skill can allow you to immediately improve the conversions, sales, and increase the fees you charge from every selling activity or selling system you use to attract, land, and retain clients. Nothing comes close.

This is THE skill you need if you are selling courses, writing books, selling via email, webpage, webinar or selling from the stage or leading a team.

How Will It Help?

There are dozens of ways Digital Storyselling Platform will help you get customers, keep clients, raise your prices, and build an unbreakable business regardless of the economy.

For example, with Digital Storyselling Platform you can take an idea from concept to pitch in minimum time… and test new product ideas to your email list or facebook group WITHOUT hiring expensive copywriters or wasting a bundle of cash on ads that don’t work.

This is important if you need a surge of cash NOW.

All you need is a killer story, an offer, and a way to collect money.

And lets not forget Speed:

As I’ve stated many times…. Money Loves Speed. But...

How do you take a message to market and get prospects lining up for your offers FAST?

I’m glad you asked because…

The year was 1974. The management team at the Walls Street Journal were faced with an almost insurmountable challenge: How do we sell a business daily put together by the world’s largest staff of business news experts?

The solution?

They hired advertising agency and copywriter Martin Conroy who put his bum ina seat and his fingers on a typewriter and wrote a 2-page letter which, when mailed, broughtin an estimated $1 billion in subscriptions.

Why was the letter so successful?

One reason.

A 210-word story.

He didn't use clever gimmicks. He didn't use fancy images or emojis. The letter bore no pictures and emojis were not invented back then.

Just a compelling story, told succinctly, in 210 words – plus an offer.

You can do the same when you apply the secrets found in my Story Digital Storyselling Platform.

  • The right stories – and there are about 5 every webinar needs – can double, redouble, then double again your sales with no increase in traffic.
  • With Story Selling Secrets™ you’ll own this power.

If you write books – or want to write a book – to build your brand, grow your reputation, and extend your reach far beyond what your competitors can – there's no better, easier, or faster way to get your books written than by telling fascinating stories. And there's no better way to make your book convince, persuade, or motivate people to hire you than with stories.

In fact, a good story can and should be the basis of every chapter.

Just look at any of the best selling business books of all time. From "Think and Grow Rich" to"How to Win Friends and Influence People" to "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". ALL have stories as the basis for each chapter. In fact, some, written as parables, are nothing but extended

  • Og Mandino's "The Greatest Salesman in the World", George S. Clason’s "The Richest Man in Babylon", ALL best sellers. And ALL based on stories using the exact story selling blueprint I reveal in this one-of-a-kind program. Now you can do it too.
  • With Story Selling Secrets™ you’ll own this power.

– If you work with, consult to, or coach clients one-on-one or in groups... nothing will bond those clients to you, or make complex concepts simple, or make your business easily referable, or explain WHAT you do, WHY you do it, and HOW your best prospects and clientscan benefit from “being in your world” than a compelling story.

 Imagine the power you wield when your stories attract people to you, makeyou almost magnetic, give you the X factor that draws clients to you.

– If you speak on stage, Digital Storyselling Platform not only shows you exactlywhat to say and how... but you’ll connect with your audience in ways you never have before,and in ways your competitors can’t.

  • Back of the room sales will skyrocket….
  • Loyalty to your brand will take a massive leap forward...
  • ​Demand for what you do will naturally increase...
  • ​You become “the person” they want to hire, regardless of your product or service.

(Consider the opposite scenario WITHOUT the ability to tell Stories That Sell: you get on stage and tell bad, dumb, or boring stories nobody cares about. You bomb. Not good!)

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of all the ways you can use storiesto get and keep clients... and all the ways your life will be better, more profitable, easier… when you finally harness the power of Selling with Stories.

 In fact, Digital Storyselling ability is the answer to every obstacle you face whenit comes to acquiring and keeping clients. Why? Well, consider the most frequent obstacles youface that prevent you from making the sale today:

Lack of credibility.

They don't know, like, or trust you - easily overcome with a powerful story

Lack of clarity about your offer.

Lack of clarity about your offer.They're not clear on exactly what you can do for them, how you do it, orhow it will benefit them in precise, measurable detail. Just add a story and watchthe lights go on inside their mind.

Lack of faith or belief in their own ability to get results with what you offer.

A lack of belief in themselves is one of the primary (but hidden)reasons why people don't buy from you. Eliminate this with Digital Storyselling Platform and liberate your full sales potential.

Resistance to price.

You or your team face price resistance everyday. How do you overcome this? Tell stories that make your price seem irrelevant.

How to charge higher prices than your competitors.

Delay is the death of the sale. But you can’t talk someone into buying now with logic. You must move them emotionally… and… nothing moves people's emotions like a story, told at the right time in the right way. With Digital Storyselling Platform you hold this power in your hands.

They want to wait, do it later.

when trying to generate leads or sell your high ticket programs, consultingor coaching services.

Any other obstacles you face

when trying to generate leads or sell your high ticket programs, consultingor coaching services.

All can be overcome with the right story, told at the right time, in the right way.

That’s how I went from low 6 figures to high 7 and 8 figures in just 5 years time - I developed and told stories at every prospect/client interaction. Life has gotten consistently better ever since.

How Is This Different?

You’ll hear people talk about "how to sell without selling" - this, of course, is nonsense... and is mostly to appease the shy, reclusive coaches or consultants who fear selling, or those witha negative self-image about selling.

Selling without selling is NOT the answer.

What you need is a way to sell without feeling salesy.

To convince without feeling pushy.

And that’s what Digtial Storyselling Platform does for you.

It allows you to not only close more sales, to bring on more clients, and keep those clients committed to buying from you longer… it allows you to create a movement around your brand… to elevate you so high above the pack that doing business with someone else seemsalmost counterproductive.

I mean why buy from a seller of a commodity when you can buy from the pre-eminent expert?

Stated differently, who would you rather put your trust in, the consultant who sells a product you can get from dozens of other consultants… or the consultant whose story resonates with you in a way that makes you feel like you know them and they understand you?

The choice should be obvious.

This is why Tony Robbins can sell essentially the same NLP skills and command fees as highas $1,000,000 per year to join his personal mastermind when someone else with essentially the same skills, who’s passed through all Tony’s certifications, can only charge by the hour and has days or weeks where they don’t know where their next client is coming from.

Tony doesn't chase clients. They come to him. They come because of his story. And that’s what can happen to you when you master the Digtial Storyselling Platform I cover in my program.

How do I know?

Look at my own situation. There were years, early in my career, when I chased clients. And most of the chasing was repulsive to the people I chased. But when I used carefully crafted stories to position myself as an expert, using the exact elements spelled out inside Digital Storyselling Platform, clients came to me. And they still do to this day - automatically.

  • I turn away more clients than I can serve.
  • I’ve had to create products and services delivered electronically or through other people as in the case of my many coaching programs to serve the people who come to me.
  • NOTHING will convince them to STAY longer as a client, refusing to work with anyone but you.

Do this right and, as author Stuart Wilde said in his book "The Trick To Money is Having Some": "People will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill 'em!"

 This is how you build your coaching or consulting or speaking business. Not by beating the bushes or thrashing about in the weeds for clients. But by telling compelling storiesthat attract people to you.

You already spend time, money and energy on marketing. Why not level-up your game by telling stories that sell?

Why Is This Relevant?

You face competition on every side.

New coaches and consultants are putting out their shingle every week.

The course creation industry has grown exponentially over the past 5 years with everyone from college students to office workers now working at home and jumping on the e-learning money train.

If you think the market is crowded now, just wait until next year and the year after.It's not getting easier. Having a certification or ability to get people results is not enough.You need an advantage NOW.

Digital Storyselling Platform is the advantage you are looking for.

No other skill can allow you to immediately improve the conversions, sales, and increase the fees you charge from every selling activity or selling system you use to attract, land, and retain clients. Nothing comes close.

This is THE skill you need if you are selling courses, writing books, selling via email, webpage, webinar or selling from the stage or leading a team.

How Will It Help?

There are dozens of ways Digital Storyselling Platform will help you get customers, keep clients, raise your prices, and build an unbreakable business regardless of the economy.

For example, with Digital Storyselling Platform you can take an idea from concept to pitch in minimum time… and test new product ideas to your email list or facebook group WITHOUT hiring expensive copywriters or wasting a bundle of cash on ads that don’t work.

This is important if you need a surge of cash NOW.

All you need is a killer story, an offer, and a way to collect money.

And lets not forget Speed:

As I’ve stated many times…. Money Loves Speed. But...

How do you take a message to market and get prospects lining up for your offers FAST?

I’m glad you asked because…

The year was 1974. The management team at the Walls Street Journal were faced with an almost insurmountable challenge: How do we sell a business daily put together by the world’s largest staff of business news experts?

The solution?

They hired advertising agency and copywriter Martin Conroy who put his bum ina seat and his fingers on a typewriter and wrote a 2-page letter which, when mailed, broughtin an estimated $1 billion in subscriptions.

Why was the letter so successful?

One reason.

A 210-word story.

He didn't use clever gimmicks. He didn't use fancy images or emojis. The letter bore no pictures and emojis were not invented back then.

Just a compelling story, told succinctly, in 210 words – plus an offer.

You can do the same when you apply the secrets found in my Story Digital Storyselling Platform.

Here’s Everything
That Is Included In The

Digital Storyselling Platform

How To Sell Anything To
Anyone Using The Power Of Stories

  • Why Use Stories?
  • 5 Ways You Can Use Stories To Sell
  • 6 Attributes Of A Story
  • ​3 Simple Ways To Generate Compelling Stories

Module 2

How To Create Compelling
Characters And Irresistible Storyline

  • You Are Not Selling A Product, You Are Selling A Story.
  • What Is A Character? And how to develop yours.
  • 10 Story Starters You Can Use in emails, sales pages, webinars, when speaking from the stage.
  • ​A Compelling Character Must Stand for Something and Against Something
  • ​11 Emotional Sentences You Can Use To Connect With Your Prospects
  • ​7 Proven Storylines That Skyrocket Sales

Module 3

How To Supercharge
The Selling Power Of Your Story

  • Visuals Strengthen Stories - how to paint word pictures that draw your listeners or readers in and make them hang on your every word
  • Make It Believable - or they won’t buy
  • Use Proven Storyline - no need to reinvent the wheel. I’ve organized for you the most compelling storylines so you can make your stories come alive
  • ​Sifu's Tricks To Making Headline And Subheads Work Harder For You
  • ​19 Ideas That Sell
  • ​32 Ways To Make Your Character Come Alive

Module 4

The Selling Power Of
Your Own Personal Story

  • Discover proven secrets for creating and telling your own origin or background story so prospects and clients connect with you and only want to do business with you

You get everything you need to craft

Your Own Compelling Stories At Every Stage of Your Business.

I believe people buy you before they 
buyyour product or service.

– Che Brown

Here’s Everything
That Is Included In The

Digital Storyselling Platform Program

How To Sell Anything To
Anyone Using The Power Of Stories

  • Why Use Stories?
  • 5 Ways You Can Use Stories To Sell
  • 6 Attributes Of A Story
  • ​3 Simple Ways To Generate Compelling Stories

Module 2

How To Create Compelling
Characters And Irresistible Storyline

  • You Are Not Selling A Product, You Are Selling A Story.
  • What Is A Character? And how to develop yours.
  • 10 Story Starters You Can Use in emails, sales pages, webinars, when speaking from the stage.
  • ​A Compelling Character Must Stand for Something and Against Something
  • ​11 Emotional Sentences You Can Use To Connect With Your Prospects
  • ​7 Proven Storylines That Skyrocket Sales

Module 3

How To Supercharge
The Selling Power Of Your Story

  • Visuals Strengthen Stories - how to paint word pictures that draw your listeners or readers in and make them hang on your every word
  • Make It Believable - or they won’t buy
  • Use Proven Storyline - no need to reinvent the wheel. I’ve organized for you the most compelling storylines so you can make your stories come alive
  • ​Sifu's Tricks To Making Headline And Subheads Work Harder For You
  • ​19 Ideas That Sell
  • ​32 Ways To Make Your Character Come Alive

Module 4

The Selling Power Of
Your Own Personal Story

  • Discover proven secrets for creating and telling your own origin or background story so prospects and clients connect with you and only want to do business with you

You get everything you need to craft

Your Own Compelling Stories At Every Stage of Your Business.

I believe people buy you before they buy your product or service.

– Che Brown

About Che Brown
About Che Brown
You can put those dog-eared copies of Think and Grow Rich and the Little Red Book of Selling back on your bookshelf. And, for your profit’s sake, leave them there. You don’t need another text that supposedly teaches you how to earn more revenue in your business. 

You need an unabated sales visionary—someone who has single-mindedly revolutionized entrepreneurship with a methodology that marries Neuro-Linguistic tools, sales scripting and technological sophistication, completely transforming the way you sell to market. 

You need an intuitive sales coach—someone who can infuse your conversation with the courage it takes to close that seven-figure deal, each and every time. 

You need an audacious sales leader whose name is synonymous with some of the most celebrated business greats of our time.
You need Che Brown. 
When it comes to sales and business, Che is not simply a part of the conversation—he is the conversation. A globally renowned giant in the sales world, Che has cracked the once elusive code of entrepreneurial success with a game-changing model that unlocks unlimited financial potential, power and wealth. Che has proven that true legends don’t need centuries to have a transformative impact; they simply need an opportunity and an arena to conquer. In just six short years, he has dominated the sales space, coaching thousands of rising business leaders to achieve exponential growth and success in their industries, to the tune of over $400 million and counting.

His acclaimed 7-Figure Sales Team concept has forever erased the outdated notion that generating revenue in business is a sole-source game—instead illustrating it is indeed a team sport. Coupled with the breakthrough Evergreen Revenue Model, the theory has become The Sales Team Guru’s hallmark, already fueling over a quarter million dollars in new revenue for clients since its inception in summer 2015.
When it comes to sales and business, Che is not simply a part of the conversation—he is the conversation. A globally renowned giant in the sales world, Che has cracked the once elusive code of entrepreneurial success with a game-changing model that unlocks unlimited financial potential, power and wealth. Che has proven that true legends don’t need centuries to have a transformative impact; they simply need an opportunity and an arena to conquer. In just six short years, he has dominated the sales space, coaching thousands of rising business leaders to achieve exponential growth and success in their industries, to the tune of over $400 million and counting.
His acclaimed 7-Figure Sales Team concept has forever erased the outdated notion that generating revenue in business is a sole-source game—instead illustrating it is indeed a team sport. Coupled with the breakthrough Evergreen Revenue Model, the theory has become The Sales Team Guru’s hallmark, already fueling over a quarter million dollars in new revenue for clients since its inception in summer 2015.
For Che, sales are as much about statistics as science. He is called the Sales Cardiologist, and, not unlike a surgeon who has studied and mastered the intricacies of their discipline, Che lives, breathes and sleeps his craft. He has his fingers on the pulse of profit generation and an instinctual insight into why the heart of a flailing business has stopped. Most importantly, he can resuscitate the flow of revenue in any company with just a whiteboard and a conversation. 

Like any other giant, the business industry will stand on Che’s shoulders for decades to come. His teachings will be legendary. His pioneering philosophies will solidify the fortunes and futures of ten thousand sales professionals across the globe. His unbridled passion and million-dollar moxie will be the sales leadership blueprint for the next generation of entrepreneurs.

He will be regarded as The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
For Che, sales are as much about statistics as science. He is called the Sales Cardiologist, and, not unlike a surgeon who has studied and mastered the intricacies of their discipline, Che lives, breathes and sleeps his craft. He has his fingers on the pulse of profit generation and an instinctual insight into why the heart of a flailing business has stopped. Most importantly, he can resuscitate the flow of revenue in any company with just a whiteboard and a conversation. 

Like any other giant, the business industry will stand on Che’s shoulders for decades to come. His teachings will be legendary. His pioneering philosophies will solidify the fortunes and futures of ten thousand sales professionals across the globe. His unbridled passion and million-dollar moxie will be the sales leadership blueprint for the next generation of entrepreneurs.
He will be regarded as 
The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
In fact-he already is. 
Che Brown is the CEO of EasySalesHub ( scaling businesses to six and seven figures. This all-in-one solution generates leads, qualifies prospects, books appointments, closes deals and frees entrepreneurs to focus on other business needs. Che was named one of the Top 15 entrepreneurs to keep an eye out for across North America in 2021 by USA Today News.
Che is the Host of the #1 Business Development 
and Late Night Show In The Country:
The Happy Entrepreneur Show
and Founder of Comeback Champion
Che is the Executive Producer of
The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries
About Che Brown
You can put those dog-eared copies of Think and Grow Rich and the Little Red Book of Selling back on your bookshelf. And, for your profit’s sake, leave them there. You don’t need another text that supposedly teaches you how to earn more revenue in your business. 

You need an unabated sales visionary—someone who has single-mindedly revolutionized entrepreneurship with a methodology that marries Neuro-Linguistic tools, sales scripting and technological sophistication, completely transforming the way you sell to market. 

You need an intuitive sales coach—someone who can infuse your conversation with the courage it takes to close that seven-figure deal, each and every time. 

You need an audacious sales leader whose name is synonymous with some of the most celebrated business greats of our time.
You need Che Brown. 
When it comes to sales and business, Che is not simply a part of the conversation—he is the conversation. A globally renowned giant in the sales world, Che has cracked the once elusive code of entrepreneurial success with a game-changing model that unlocks unlimited financial potential, power and wealth. Che has proven that true legends don’t need centuries to have a transformative impact; they simply need an opportunity and an arena to conquer. In just six short years, he has dominated the sales space, coaching thousands of rising business leaders to achieve exponential growth and success in their industries, to the tune of over $400 million and counting.
His acclaimed 7-Figure Sales Team concept has forever erased the outdated notion that generating revenue in business is a sole-source game—instead illustrating it is indeed a team sport. Coupled with the breakthrough Evergreen Revenue Model, the theory has become The Sales Team Guru’s hallmark, already fueling over a quarter million dollars in new revenue for clients since its inception in summer 2015.
For Che, sales are as much about statistics as science. He is called the Sales Cardiologist, and, not unlike a surgeon who has studied and mastered the intricacies of their discipline, Che lives, breathes and sleeps his craft. He has his fingers on the pulse of profit generation and an instinctual insight into why the heart of a flailing business has stopped. Most importantly, he can resuscitate the flow of revenue in any company with just a whiteboard and a conversation. 

Like any other giant, the business industry will stand on Che’s shoulders for decades to come. His teachings will be legendary. His pioneering philosophies will solidify the fortunes and futures of ten thousand sales professionals across the globe. His unbridled passion and million-dollar moxie will be the sales leadership blueprint for the next generation of entrepreneurs.
He will be regarded as  The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
In fact-he already is. 
Che Brown is the CEO of EasySalesHub ( scaling businesses to six and seven figures. This all-in-one solution generates leads, qualifies prospects, books appointments, closes deals and frees entrepreneurs to focus on other business needs. Che was named one of the Top 15 entrepreneurs to keep an eye out for across North America in 2021 by USA Today News.
Che is the Host of the #1 Business Development 
and Late Night Show In The Country:
The Happy Entrepreneur Show
and Founder of Comeback Champion
Che is the Executive Producer of
The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries

How many people you BLESS,
is how you measure SUCCESS.

– Rick Ross

How many people you BLESS,
is how you measure SUCCESS.

– Rick Ross

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@2024 by EasySalesHub 
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Sales. Accountability. Consistency

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