Speakers Wanted For

Building Wealth

Together Summit

Share Expertise On

 How to Build A Legacy

And Create Generational Wealth

November 7 - 9, 2022

Monday   |  Tuesday  |  Wednesday

It’s Time To Unleash Your Story,
Your Expertise and Your Message 
To The World

Click Here To Apply To Speak At 
Build Wealth Together Summit 

Speakers Wanted For

Building Wealth

Together Summit

Share Expertise On

 How to Build A Legacy

And Create Generational Wealth

November 7- 9, 2022

Monday |  Tuesday  | Wednesday

It’s Time To Unleash Your Story, Your Expertise and Your Message To The World

Click Here To Apply To Speak At 
Build Wealth Together Summit 

Who Should Apply
To Be A Speaker

  • Speakers
  • Coaches
  • Authors
  • ​Leaders
  • ​Experts
  • ​Creatives
  • ​Entrepreneurs
  • ​Professionals

If you have a heart to serve, a heart to give, and a passion for helping others build a legacy and create generational wealth.

Who Should Apply To Be A Speaker

  • Speakers
  • Coaches
  • Authors
  • ​Leaders
  • ​Experts
  • ​Creatives
  • ​Entrepreneurs
  • ​Professionals

If you have a heart to serve, a heart to give, and a passion for helping others build a legacy and create generational wealth.

Millions of people want to build wealth, but few people really know how.

 Together we will show summit participants 

how to build a legacy and create generational wealth.

Your hindsight can be another’s foresight.

Sharing your stories of times of struggle can greatly
inspire others to live the life they deserve.

You story or expertise will help people:

To Not Spend 

To Save

To Track
My Spending

To Invest

To Eliminate And 
Prevent Debts

To Own
Real Estate

To Have Multiple 
Streams Of Income

To Give Up Bad
Money Habits

To Take Care
Of My Health

To Create
Generational Wealth

They can apply your tools, techniques or 
expertise to their own problems.

Click Here To Apply To Speak At 
Build Wealth Together Summit 

Millions of people want to build wealth, but few people really know how.

 Together we will show summit participants 

how to build a legacy and create generational wealth.

Your hindsight can be another’s foresight.

Sharing your stories of times of struggle can greatly inspire others to live the life they deserve.

You story or expertise will help people:

To Not Spend 

To Save

To Track
My Spending

To Invest

To Eliminate And 
Prevent Debts

To Own
Real Estate

To Have Multiple 
Streams Of Income

To Give Up Bad
Money Habits

To Take Care
Of My Health

To Create
Generational Wealth

They can apply your tools, techniques or expertise to their own problems.

Click Here To Apply To Speak At 
Build Wealth Together Summit 

To Speak At Live Building Wealth Together Summit

To Speak At Live Building Wealth Together Summit

Financial peace isn’t the acquisition 
of stuff. It’s learning to

live on less than you make,

so you can give money back
and have money to invest.
You can’t win until you do this.

-Halle Berry

@2021 by Called 2 Inspire

Site Funnels By Sales Team Guru

Financial peace isn’t the acquisition 
of stuff. It’s learning to

live on less than you make,

so you can give money back and have
money to invest. You can’t 
win until you do this.

Dave Ramsey

@2021 by Building Wealth Together

Site Funnels By Sales Team Guru