Partners In Learning

Sign up & receive your ultimate free tool: 
 CEO Sales Dashboard for revenue growth.

With the CEO Sales Dashboard You’ll Get…

  • Streamlined Growth Tracking: Stay on top of your company’s progress with easy-to-understand sales metrics.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Make smarter, data-backed decisions to accelerate your company's sales growth.
  • Operational Agility: Quickly identify trends and adjust your sales strategies to serve and capitalize on emerging sales opportunities.
  • Unparalleled Team Alignment: Get everyone on the same page with a shared understanding of your growth targets.
  • Understand The 5 Sales Pillars: Every CEO Must Know To Grow and Make Money
  • Membership to the CEO Sales Huddle: Your direct route to $100k monthly income leading to $100k a day as a CEO

The CEO Sales Dashboard is the easiest and most effective way to make more sales faster.

Sign up & receive your ultimate free tool: 
 CEO Sales Dashboard for revenue growth.

With the CEO Sales Dashboard You’ll Get…

  • Streamlined Growth Tracking: Stay on top of your company’s progress with easy-to-understand sales metrics.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Make smarter, data-backed decisions to accelerate your company's sales growth.
  • Operational Agility: Quickly identify trends and adjust your sales strategies to serve and capitalize on emerging sales opportunities.
  • Unparalleled Team Alignment: Get everyone on the same page with a shared understanding of your growth targets.
  • Understand The 5 Sales Pillars: Every CEO Must Know To Grow and Make Money
  • Membership to the CEO Sales Huddle: Your direct route to $100k monthly income leading to $100k a day as a CEO

The CEO Sales Dashboard is the easiest and most effective way to make more sales faster.

Your direct route to $100k monthly income leading to $100k a day as a coach or industry expert

MONday - FRIday


Stuck In $10k-$50k+ Per Month Rut?
I’ve Created A Proven Model That 
I Personally Use To Help CEO’s 
Generate Unlimited Revenue 
Like Clockwork

Skip The Queue,
Smash The Ceiling

This Is Your Fast-Track From
6-Figures Per Year To $100K+ Per Month
As A Coach Or Industry Expert

Stuck In $10k-$50k+ Per Month Rut?
I’ve Created A Proven Model That 
I Personally Use To Help CEO’s 
Generate Unlimited Revenue 
Like Clockwork

Skip The Queue,
Smash The Ceiling

This Is Your Fast-Track From
6-Figures Per Year To $100K+ Per Month
As A Coach Or Industry Expert

Important Question For Coaches And Industry Experts

Who Can’t Seem To Scale Their Business To $100K Monthly Income….

Ready to Crack the Code to Scaling Your Business?

Let's get serious for a moment, because if you're here, you know you've got a puzzle to solve.

You're staring at your business revenue, and it's feeling about as stuck as a squirrel in peanut butter.

Now, take a guess. What do you think separates the folks raking in over $1 million per month from those of us stuck in this business plateau? 

If you said "a better email strategy," well, that's a swing and a miss.

And "the latest social media ads"? Nope, not quite.

"Better branding and marketing"? Not even close.

Now, if you're thinking it's all about having a "better message," I hate to break it to you, but that's not the golden ticket either.

Here's the cold, hard truth...

Important Question For Coaches And Industry Experts

Who Can’t Seem To Scale Their Business To $100K Monthly Income….

Ready to Crack the Code to Scaling Your Business?

Let's get serious for a moment, because if you're here, you know you've got a puzzle to solve.

You're staring at your business revenue, and it's feeling about as stuck as a squirrel in peanut butter.

Now, take a guess. What do you think separates the folks raking in over $1 million per month from those of us stuck in this business plateau? 

If you said "a better email strategy," well, that's a swing and a miss.

And "the latest social media ads"? Nope, not quite.

"Better branding and marketing"? Not even close.

Now, if you're thinking it's all about having a "better message," I hate to break it to you, but that's not the golden ticket either.

Here's the cold, hard truth...

Most of us coaches and industry experts are knee-deep in the swamp of stagnant growth, and guess what? The membership for this club is booming!

You might be side-eyeing your numbers, feeling like something's gone totally bananas in your biz.

You've probably even pumped up your ad spend, but your ROI? Well, it's been playing hide-and-seek.

That Golden Goose funnel you thought was your golden ticket? Now it's just slurping up your dollars faster than a camel at an oasis.

You've already climbed mountains to get where you are today. You've got the followers, the team, and those efficient systems locked down. You've set the stage for some epic scaling.

But here's the kicker...

Even with all the resources at your disposal, scaling up feels like trying to tightrope walk in a tornado, inching your business ever closer to the danger zone.

Ready to crack the code and build your empire?

You've probably asked yourself this 
burning question a thousand times:


I have everything in place to scale...

so why isn't it happening?"

Here's the twist - it's not about hoarding 'more resources' like a dragon guarding its treasure.

Nope, it's about mastering the art of wielding the resources you already have with the finesse of a ninja and the precision of a surgeon. It's time to...

Banish the frustration that often comes with
hunting down new clients.

Put an end to those facepalm moments that 
makeyou question your life choices.

Free up hours of your precious time, currently slipping away 
likes and through your fingers.

Your business holds

incredible potential,

and the key to unlocking it lies
within your grasp.

Let's embark on this journey together,

where scaling your business

 becomes a reality you can achieve with 
confidence and grace.

Most of us coaches and industry experts are knee-deep in the swamp of stagnant growth, and guess what? The membership for this club is booming!

You might be side-eyeing your numbers, feeling like something's gone totally bananas in your biz.

You've probably even pumped up your ad spend, but your ROI? Well, it's been playing hide-and-seek.

That Golden Goose funnel you thought was your golden ticket? Now it's just slurping up your dollars faster than a camel at an oasis.

You've already climbed mountains to get where you are today. You've got the followers, the team, and those efficient systems locked down. You've set the stage for some epic scaling.

But here's the kicker...

Even with all the resources at your disposal, scaling up feels like trying to tightrope walk in a tornado, inching your business ever closer to the danger zone.

Ready to crack the code and build your empire?

You've probably asked yourself this burning question a thousand times:


I have everything in place to scale...

so why isn't it happening?"

Here's the twist - it's not about hoarding 'more resources' like a dragon guarding its treasure.

Nope, it's about mastering the art of wielding the resources you already have with the finesse of a ninja and the precision of a surgeon. It's time to...

Banish the frustration that often comes with
hunting down new clients.

Put an end to those facepalm moments that 
makeyou question your life choices.

Free up hours of your precious time, currently slipping away likes and through your fingers.

Your business holds

incredible potential,

and the key to unlocking it lies
within your grasp.

Let's embark on this journey together,

where scaling your business

 becomes a reality you can achieve
with confidence and grace.

Let's face it, as a coach, you understand that every stumble in 

Your Journey is just one Step Closer to Success. 

But here's the burning question:

How Many More Setbacks can Your Business Afford?

How many additional Facebook ad campaigns will you launch, crossing your fingers and holding your breath, only to watch your dreams of backend profits deflate like a sad balloon?

How many coaches or consultants will you bring aboard, enticed by their tantalizing promises of "game-changing strategies," only to be left with a migraine that could rival the Grand Canyon?

And how many more hair-pulling, sanity-testing dives into your analytics can you endure before your computer decides to take a flying lesson out the window, all because your latest "brilliant" strategy went belly-up once again?

Join us on a journey where failures become stepping stones, and your business's revenue goes from stagnant to soaring.

Let's face it, as a coach, you understand that every stumble in 

Your Journey is just one Step Closer to Success. 

But here's the burning question:

How Many More Setbacks can Your Business Afford?

How many additional Facebook ad campaigns will you launch, crossing your fingers and holding your breath, only to watch your dreams of backend profits deflate like a sad balloon?

How many coaches or consultants will you bring aboard, enticed by their tantalizing promises of "game-changing strategies," only to be left with a migraine that could rival the Grand Canyon?

And how many more hair-pulling, sanity-testing dives into your analytics can you endure before your computer decides to take a flying lesson out the window, all because your latest "brilliant" strategy went belly-up once again?

Join us on a journey where failures become stepping stones, and your business's revenue goes from stagnant to soaring.

IF You're Here,

it's because you know there's a challenge to conquer,

Isn't it high time to rev up your growth engine, steering your business into uncharted territories of success?

 Imagine waking up each morning, wiping the sleep from your eyes, and as you check your numbers, you feel that electric jolt of excitement coursing through your veins.

 Gone are the days of hitting refresh like a caffeine-fueled day-trader hoping for a miracle.

Now, you're double-checking, triple-checking because those digits on the screen are so mind-blowing, you need to pinch yourself to believe it's real.

 Those marketing meetings you used to dread? Pfft! Now they're the highlight of your day.

 Your creative juices are flowing freely, no longer dammed up by the relentlessgrind of survival mode.

 You're exactly where you belong, fully immersed in serving your audience, free from the ceaseless treadmill of business worries.

 And that, my friend, is a reality worth raising a glass to—a toast to the rock-solid consistency your business enjoys, month after glorious month. 

 Join us on this journey to redefine your success story and steer your business toward newfound heights. Your success awaits!

IF You're Here,

it's because you know there's a challenge to conquer,

Isn't it high time to rev up your growth engine, steering your business into uncharted territories of success?

 Imagine waking up each morning, wiping the sleep from your eyes, and as you check your numbers, you feel that electric jolt of excitement coursing through your veins.

 Gone are the days of hitting refresh like a caffeine-fueled day-trader hoping for a miracle.

Now, you're double-checking, triple-checking because those digits on the screen are so mind-blowing, you need to pinch yourself to believe it's real.

 Those marketing meetings you used to dread? Pfft! Now they're the highlight of your day.

 Your creative juices are flowing freely, no longer dammed up by the relentlessgrind of survival mode.

 You're exactly where you belong, fully immersed in serving your audience, free from the ceaseless treadmill of business worries.

 And that, my friend, is a reality worth raising a glass to—a toast to the rock-solid consistency your business enjoys, month after glorious month. 

 Join us on this journey to redefine your success story and steer your business toward newfound heights. Your success awaits!

Sound Good? 

Well, You Must 

Free Yourself

From These Three Lies Right 
Now If You Want To Be In With 
 Any Chance of 
 Making This Your Reality... 

Lie #1:

"I Need The Newest Strategies To
Scale Successfully"

We get it. It's human nature to be drawn to the shiniest object on the shelf. Whether it's the latest iPhone or the hottest trend, we all love a bit of "new."

 And you, dear coach, may find yourself hopping from one strategy to the next, desperately trying to unlock the door to business growth.

 It's like throwing a bunch of arrows at a target, hoping that at least one will hit the bullseye, right?


 For any plan to work its magic, you need more than a wish and a sprinkle of fairy dust. You need to roll up your sleeves and put in some serious, unwavering effort to make it shine.

 Will your first attempt be a slam dunk? Probably not. 

 But if you bail out the moment things get a little tough, you're leaving a treasure trove of opportunities untouched. 

 That's why we're not serving up a hodgepodge of random tactics. Instead, we're taking tried-and-true ingredients and crafting them into something uniquely brilliant. 

 Our secret recipe for long-term victory doesn't involve crystal balls or magic beans—just proven elements used in fresh, exciting ways. 

 Let's debunk the lies, embrace the truth, and pave the way for your business to reach its true potential.

Lie #2: 

"I’ll Have to Revamp My Entire Marketing to Scale Successfully"

Whoa there, cowboy! Before you start redecorating the whole house, let's get one thing straight: scaling up doesn't require a marketing revolution.

We're not talking about unleashing a wild avalanche of untested tactics and strategies into your business like a tornado in a teacup. It's not about rewriting the rulebook or reinventing the wheel.

Scaling is about taking what's already working and supercharging it. It's about fine-tuning your existing strategies, not tossing them out like last week's leftovers.

 Here's the scoop: generating more high-ticket sales is all about understanding human behavior.

 So, the real question is: How can you harness the power of ethical persuasion to make people line up, begging to join your high-ticket offer?

 This, my friend, is your golden ticket to shifting from stagnation to a flourishing business realm—without giving your digital marketing strategy a total makeover.

 Think of it as a marketing tune-up, not a complete engine overhaul. It's about fine-tuning what you've got for peak performance, not trading it in for a shinier model.

 Let's crack these myths wide open and pave the way for your business to thrive!

Sound Good? 

Well, You Must 

Free Yourself

From These Three Lies Right 
Now If You Want To Be In With 
 Any Chance of Making 
This Your Reality... 

Lie #1:

"I Need The Newest Strategies To
Scale Successfully"

We get it. It's human nature to be drawn to the shiniest object on the shelf. Whether it's the latest iPhone or the hottest trend, we all love a bit of "new."

 And you, dear coach, may find yourself hopping from one strategy to the next, desperately trying to unlock the door to business growth.

 It's like throwing a bunch of arrows at a target, hoping that at least one will hit the bullseye, right?


 For any plan to work its magic, you need more than a wish and a sprinkle of fairy dust. You need to roll up your sleeves and put in some serious, unwavering effort to make it shine.

 Will your first attempt be a slam dunk? Probably not. 

 But if you bail out the moment things get a little tough, you're leaving a treasure trove of opportunities untouched. 

 That's why we're not serving up a hodgepodge of random tactics. Instead, we're taking tried-and-true ingredients and crafting them into something uniquely brilliant. 

 Our secret recipe for long-term victory doesn't involve crystal balls or magic beans—just proven elements used in fresh, exciting ways. 

 Let's debunk the lies, embrace the truth, and pave the way for your business to reach its true potential.

Lie #2: 

"I’ll Have to Revamp My Entire Marketing to Scale Successfully"

Whoa there, cowboy! Before you start redecorating the whole house, let's get one thing straight: scaling up doesn't require a marketing revolution.

We're not talking about unleashing a wild avalanche of untested tactics and strategies into your business like a tornado in a teacup. It's not about rewriting the rulebook or reinventing the wheel.

Scaling is about taking what's already working and supercharging it. It's about fine-tuning your existing strategies, not tossing them out like last week's leftovers.

 Here's the scoop: generating more high-ticket sales is all about understanding human behavior.

 So, the real question is: How can you harness the power of ethical persuasion to make people line up, begging to join your high-ticket offer?

 This, my friend, is your golden ticket to shifting from stagnation to a flourishing business realm—without giving your digital marketing strategy a total makeover.

 Think of it as a marketing tune-up, not a complete engine overhaul. It's about fine-tuning what you've got for peak performance, not trading it in for a shinier model.

 Let's crack these myths wide open and pave the way for your business to thrive!

Lie #3: 

"Skyrocketing Ad Costs Make Massive Scaling a Pipe Dream"

You've probably noticed that the price tag for running ads is on a wild uphill climb, like it's trying to conquer the Everest of advertising. And guess what? It doesn't seem to be lacing up its hiking boots for a descent any time soon.

 If you're fixated on those flashy, short-term tactics and strategies, scaling up might seem as attainable as catching a cloud with your bare hands.

But hold on a minute—ad spend is just the tip ofthe marketing iceberg.

The real secret to successful scaling is more like diving deep into the Mariana Trench of marketing. It's not about casting your net far and wide in the shallow waters; it's about drilling down into the depths.

 Think about it: an ocean's depth is always more intriguing than its surface. The real goldmine lies not in spreading yourself thin but in going an inch wide and a mile deep. That's how you strike the mother lode of scalable growth.

 Let's shatter these myths, shall we? It's time to unleash the true potential of your business! 

Lie #3: 

"Skyrocketing Ad Costs Make Massive Scaling a Pipe Dream"

You've probably noticed that the price tag for running ads is on a wild uphill climb, like it's trying to conquer the Everest of advertising. And guess what? It doesn't seem to be lacing up its hiking boots for a descent any time soon.

 If you're fixated on those flashy, short-term tactics and strategies, scaling up might seem as attainable as catching a cloud with your bare hands.

But hold on a minute—ad spend is just the tip ofthe marketing iceberg.

The real secret to successful scaling is more like diving deep into the Mariana Trench of marketing. It's not about casting your net far and wide in the shallow waters; it's about drilling down into the depths.

 Think about it: an ocean's depth is always more intriguing than its surface. The real goldmine lies not in spreading yourself thin but in going an inch wide and a mile deep. That's how you strike the mother lode of scalable growth.

 Let's shatter these myths, shall we? It's time to unleash the true potential of your business! 

- It's Not Your Grandma's Webinar!

Okay, folks, let's dive into the world of the Daily CEO Sales Huddle (just 15 minutes of your precious time) – and I promise it's way more exciting than your average slide-show snooze fest!

Now, here's the sparkling treasure waiting for you when the virtual curtains fall:

You're about to get your hands on the exact model I use like clockwork to generate over a million bucks in my own coaching business. My clients have used the same model to scale their revenue too!)

But hold on, we're not stopping at just a sneak peek. I'm throwing open the treasure chest and spilling all the juicy secrets.

Every nitty-gritty detail, every finely-tuned trick that makes this machine purr, I'm laying it all out for you to gobble up like your favorite dessert.

It's like taking a turbo-charged business crash course and then being handed the coach's personal playbook. You'll be armed with solid steps and strategies, ready to sprint back to your business and kick-start your rocket ride to success.

In a nutshell, you won't just be attending another boring event – you'll be launching your journey towards results that might just have you doing a victory dance around your office sooner than you think!

What You'll Get...

 Daily CEO Sales Huddle 

designed to give you everything you need to focus on sales to skyrocket your revenue. ​Access to a private community where you get to discuss and meet others on the same journey as you.

 CEO Sales Dashboard 

Stay on top of your company's progress with easy-to-understand, actionable metrics ​Extra surprises along the way to make sure you get the results you're looking for 😊

 This CEO Sales Huddle 

shows you the proven Evergreen Revenue Model: Your direct route to $100K monthly income leading to a $100K a day as a coach or industry expert

 Month After Month, We've Generated Revenue Because Of This Exact Model
(Sometimes As High As $300K Per Month)

 All You Need To Do Is Click The Button Below To Save Your Space Now!

- It's Not Your Grandma's Webinar!

Okay, folks, let's dive into the world of the Daily CEO Sales Huddle (just 15 minutes of your precious time) – and I promise it's way more exciting than your average slide-show snooze fest!

Now, here's the sparkling treasure waiting for you when the virtual curtains fall:

You're about to get your hands on the exact model I use like clockwork to generate over a million bucks in my own coaching business. My clients have used the same model to scale their revenue too!)

But hold on, we're not stopping at just a sneak peek. I'm throwing open the treasure chest and spilling all the juicy secrets.

Every nitty-gritty detail, every finely-tuned trick that makes this machine purr, I'm laying it all out for you to gobble up like your favorite dessert.

It's like taking a turbo-charged business crash course and then being handed the coach's personal playbook. You'll be armed with solid steps and strategies, ready to sprint back to your business and kick-start your rocket ride to success.

In a nutshell, you won't just be attending another boring event – you'll be launching your journey towards results that might just have you doing a victory dance around your office sooner than you think!

What You'll Get...

 Daily CEO Sales Huddle 

designed to give you everything you need to focus on sales to skyrocket your revenue. ​Access to a private community where you get to discuss and meet others on the same journey as you.

 CEO Sales Dashboard 

Stay on top of your company's progress with easy-to-understand, actionable metrics ​Extra surprises along the way to make sure you get the results you're looking for 😊

 This CEO Sales Huddle 

shows you the proven Evergreen Revenue Model: Your direct route to $100K monthly income leading to a $100K a day as a coach or industry expert

 Month After Month, We've Generated Revenue Because Of This Exact Model
(Sometimes As High As $300K Per Month)

 All You Need To Do Is Click The Button Below To Save Your Space Now!

Inside the Daily CEO Sales Huddle:

Master Persuasion:
Learn how to make people want what you're offering by talking to their brains in the right way. 

Escape the 'Friend Zone':
Make people crave your product, not just like it.

Build Trust Fast:
Discover a step-by-step plan to make people trust you quickly.

Boost Your Earnings:
Find out secret techniques that could help you make a million dollars a month.

Create a Loyal Following:
Make fans who'll support you no matter what.

Learn From My Mistakes:
I'll share a story about a big loss I had and how to avoid it.

Maximize Conversions:
Increase your profits by knocking down the right domino.

See Behind the Scenes:
Get the truth about how we make millions each month. Hold onto your hat!

Unlock Growth:
Learn a secret formula known only to the best in the business.

Start an Avalanche:
Discover how one hour's work could turn into a massive $200,000 a month. You won't believe it until you hear it!

And that's just the beginning! 

Get ready to supercharge your sales skills and boost your earningswith these game-changing lessons.

Inside the Daily CEO Sales Huddle:

Master Persuasion:
Learn how to make people want what you're offering by talking to their brains in the right way. 

Escape the 'Friend Zone':
Make people crave your product, not just like it.

Build Trust Fast:
Discover a step-by-step plan to make people trust you quickly.

Boost Your Earnings:
Find out secret techniques that could help you make a million dollars a month.

Create a Loyal Following:
Make fans who'll support you no matter what.

Learn From My Mistakes:
I'll share a story about a big loss I had and how to avoid it.

Maximize Conversions:
Increase your profits by knocking down the right domino.

See Behind the Scenes:
Get the truth about how we make millions each month. Hold onto your hat!

Unlock Growth:
Learn a secret formula known only to the best in the business.

Start an Avalanche:
Discover how one hour's work could turn into a massive $200,000 a month. You won't believe it until you hear it!

And that's just the beginning! 

Get ready to supercharge your sales skills and boost your earningswith these game-changing lessons.

CEO Sales


What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Creating a daily sales dashboard for a CEO's review during a Sales Huddle requires tracking key metrics that provide real-time insights into sales performance, accountability, and consistency.

Here are the metrics a CEO would want to review daily:



The total revenue generated each day, providing an immediate snapshot of sales performance.

Sales Pipeline


The total value of opportunities in the sales pipeline, helping to track potential future revenue.

Daily Sales


Compare daily sales performance against the predefined daily sales targets.



The percentage of leads or prospects that converted into paying customers on that day.


Deal Size:

The average monetary value of sales deals closed on that day.

Daily Lead


The number of new leads or prospects generated on that day.

Sales Activity


Daily counts of activities such as calls, emails, meetings, and demos conducted by sales representatives.



The percentage of opportunities closed successfully compared to those in the pipeline.

Daily Customer

Retention Rate:

The percentage of existing customers who continued to make purchases that day.

Sales Cycle


The average time it took to close deals on that day, helping identify bottlenecks.

Daily Market


Monitor daily market share changes in specific market segments or industries.

Daily Churn


The percentage of customers lost on that day due to cancellations or attrition.

Sales Funnel


Visualize the movement of leads and opportunities through the sales funnel stages each day.

Team Activity


View daily activity metrics for individual sales team members, promoting accountability.

Daily Sales


Predicted sales for the remainder of the day based on current performance.

By tracking these metrics on a daily basis and discussing them during the Daily CEO Sales Huddle, the team can identify trends, address issues promptly, and ensure that sales efforts align with organizational goals. 

 It also fosters a culture of accountability and consistency, allowing for quick adjustments to improve sales performance.

CEO Sales


What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Creating a daily sales dashboard for a CEO's review during a Sales Huddle requires tracking key metrics that provide real-time insights into sales performance, accountability, and consistency.

Here are the metrics a CEO would want to review daily:



The total revenue generated each day, providing an immediate snapshot of sales performance.

Sales Pipeline


The total value of opportunities in the sales pipeline, helping to track potential future revenue.



Compare daily sales performance against the predefined daily sales targets.



The percentage of leads or prospects that converted into paying customers on that day.



The average monetary value of sales deals closed on that day.



The number of new leads or prospects generated on that day.

Sales Activity


Daily counts of activities such as calls, emails, meetings, and demos conducted by sales representatives.



The percentage of opportunities closed successfully compared to those in the pipeline.



The percentage of existing customers who continued to make purchases that day.



The average time it took to close deals on that day, helping identify bottlenecks.



Monitor daily market share changes in specific market segments or industries.



The percentage of customers lost on that day due to cancellations or attrition.



Visualize the movement of leads and opportunities through the sales funnel stages each day.



View daily activity metrics for individual sales team members, promoting accountability.

Daily Sales


Predicted sales for the remainder of the day based on current performance.

By tracking these metrics on a daily basis and discussing them during the Daily CEO Sales Huddle, the team can identify trends, address issues promptly, and ensure that sales efforts align with organizational goals. 

 It also fosters a culture of accountability and consistency, allowing for quick adjustments to improve sales performance.

About Che Brown
About Che Brown
You can put those dog-eared copies of Think and Grow Rich and the Little Red Book of Selling back on your bookshelf. And, for your profit’s sake, leave them there. You don’t need another text that supposedly teaches you how to earn more revenue in your business. 

You need an unabated sales visionary—someone who has single-mindedly revolutionized entrepreneurship with a methodology that marries Neuro-Linguistic tools, sales scripting and technological sophistication, completely transforming the way you sell to market. 

You need an intuitive sales coach—someone who can infuse your conversation with the courage it takes to close that seven-figure deal, each and every time. 

You need an audacious sales leader whose name is synonymous with some of the most celebrated business greats of our time.
You need Che Brown. 
When it comes to sales and business, Che is not simply a part of the conversation—he is the conversation. A globally renowned giant in the sales world, Che has cracked the once elusive code of entrepreneurial success with a game-changing model that unlocks unlimited financial potential, power and wealth. Che has proven that true legends don’t need centuries to have a transformative impact; they simply need an opportunity and an arena to conquer. In just six short years, he has dominated the sales space, coaching thousands of rising business leaders to achieve exponential growth and success in their industries, to the tune of over $400 million and counting.

His acclaimed 7-Figure Sales Team concept has forever erased the outdated notion that generating revenue in business is a sole-source game—instead illustrating it is indeed a team sport. Coupled with the breakthrough Evergreen Revenue Model, the theory has become The Sales Team Guru’s hallmark, already fueling over a quarter million dollars in new revenue for clients since its inception in summer 2015.
When it comes to sales and business, Che is not simply a part of the conversation—he is the conversation. A globally renowned giant in the sales world, Che has cracked the once elusive code of entrepreneurial success with a game-changing model that unlocks unlimited financial potential, power and wealth. Che has proven that true legends don’t need centuries to have a transformative impact; they simply need an opportunity and an arena to conquer. In just six short years, he has dominated the sales space, coaching thousands of rising business leaders to achieve exponential growth and success in their industries, to the tune of over $400 million and counting.
His acclaimed 7-Figure Sales Team concept has forever erased the outdated notion that generating revenue in business is a sole-source game—instead illustrating it is indeed a team sport. Coupled with the breakthrough Evergreen Revenue Model, the theory has become The Sales Team Guru’s hallmark, already fueling over a quarter million dollars in new revenue for clients since its inception in summer 2015.
For Che, sales are as much about statistics as science. He is called the Sales Cardiologist, and, not unlike a surgeon who has studied and mastered the intricacies of their discipline, Che lives, breathes and sleeps his craft. He has his fingers on the pulse of profit generation and an instinctual insight into why the heart of a flailing business has stopped. Most importantly, he can resuscitate the flow of revenue in any company with just a whiteboard and a conversation. 

Like any other giant, the business industry will stand on Che’s shoulders for decades to come. His teachings will be legendary. His pioneering philosophies will solidify the fortunes and futures of ten thousand sales professionals across the globe. His unbridled passion and million-dollar moxie will be the sales leadership blueprint for the next generation of entrepreneurs.

He will be regarded as The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
For Che, sales are as much about statistics as science. He is called the Sales Cardiologist, and, not unlike a surgeon who has studied and mastered the intricacies of their discipline, Che lives, breathes and sleeps his craft. He has his fingers on the pulse of profit generation and an instinctual insight into why the heart of a flailing business has stopped. Most importantly, he can resuscitate the flow of revenue in any company with just a whiteboard and a conversation. 

Like any other giant, the business industry will stand on Che’s shoulders for decades to come. His teachings will be legendary. His pioneering philosophies will solidify the fortunes and futures of ten thousand sales professionals across the globe. His unbridled passion and million-dollar moxie will be the sales leadership blueprint for the next generation of entrepreneurs.
He will be regarded as 
The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
In fact-he already is. 
Che Brown is the CEO of EasySalesHub ( scaling businesses to six and seven figures. This all-in-one solution generates leads, qualifies prospects, books appointments, closes deals and frees entrepreneurs to focus on other business needs. Che was named one of the Top 15 entrepreneurs to keep an eye out for across North America in 2021 by USA Today News.
Che is the Host of the #1 Business Development 
and Late Night Show In The Country:
The Happy Entrepreneur Show
and Founder of Comeback Champion
Che is the Executive Producer of
The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries
About Che Brown
You can put those dog-eared copies of Think and Grow Rich and the Little Red Book of Selling back on your bookshelf. And, for your profit’s sake, leave them there. You don’t need another text that supposedly teaches you how to earn more revenue in your business. 

You need an unabated sales visionary—someone who has single-mindedly revolutionized entrepreneurship with a methodology that marries Neuro-Linguistic tools, sales scripting and technological sophistication, completely transforming the way you sell to market. 

You need an intuitive sales coach—someone who can infuse your conversation with the courage it takes to close that seven-figure deal, each and every time. 

You need an audacious sales leader whose name is synonymous with some of the most celebrated business greats of our time.
You need Che Brown. 
When it comes to sales and business, Che is not simply a part of the conversation—he is the conversation. A globally renowned giant in the sales world, Che has cracked the once elusive code of entrepreneurial success with a game-changing model that unlocks unlimited financial potential, power and wealth. Che has proven that true legends don’t need centuries to have a transformative impact; they simply need an opportunity and an arena to conquer. In just six short years, he has dominated the sales space, coaching thousands of rising business leaders to achieve exponential growth and success in their industries, to the tune of over $400 million and counting.
His acclaimed 7-Figure Sales Team concept has forever erased the outdated notion that generating revenue in business is a sole-source game—instead illustrating it is indeed a team sport. Coupled with the breakthrough Evergreen Revenue Model, the theory has become The Sales Team Guru’s hallmark, already fueling over a quarter million dollars in new revenue for clients since its inception in summer 2015.
For Che, sales are as much about statistics as science. He is called the Sales Cardiologist, and, not unlike a surgeon who has studied and mastered the intricacies of their discipline, Che lives, breathes and sleeps his craft. He has his fingers on the pulse of profit generation and an instinctual insight into why the heart of a flailing business has stopped. Most importantly, he can resuscitate the flow of revenue in any company with just a whiteboard and a conversation. 

Like any other giant, the business industry will stand on Che’s shoulders for decades to come. His teachings will be legendary. His pioneering philosophies will solidify the fortunes and futures of ten thousand sales professionals across the globe. His unbridled passion and million-dollar moxie will be the sales leadership blueprint for the next generation of entrepreneurs.

He will be regarded as The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
He will be regarded as 
The Greatest Salesman in the World.  
In fact-he already is. 
Che Brown is the CEO of EasySalesHub ( scaling businesses to six and seven figures. This all-in-one solution generates leads, qualifies prospects, books appointments, closes deals and frees entrepreneurs to focus on other business needs. Che was named one of the Top 15 entrepreneurs to keep an eye out for across North America in 2021 by USA Today News.
Che is the Host of the #1 Business Development 
and Late Night Show In The Country:
The Happy Entrepreneur Show
and Founder of Comeback Champion
Che is the Executive Producer of
The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries

How many people you BLESS,
is how you measure SUCCESS.

– Rick Ross

How many people you BLESS,
is how you measure SUCCESS.

– Rick Ross

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@2023 by EasySalesHub
 Site Funnels by

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$100K+ Per Month

Sales. Accountability. Consistency

$100K+ Per Month